Your Small Animal Clinic in Berlin

The best for

your pet & you


Phone       +49 30 20 1805 750


Address    Potsdamer Straße 23/24, 

                  14163 Berlin




Opening hours | 24h Emergency service

Monday - Friday 9:00 - 19:00
Saturday 10:00 - 14:00

Outside of these hours, we provide continuous emergency service. In case of emergencies, please call us in advance. Note During the emergency service there may be longer waiting times.


Loving expert veterinarians

Most modern veterinary medicine with heart. From the surgeon to the nurse.


For diagnosis and therapy of your pet we use the most modern technologies & latest findings in veterinary medicine. For the love of animals.


Animal treatment at the highest level

From anesthesia to dental disease. All under one roof.


Your pet will be cared for at Valera Veterinary Clinic by a highly qualified and experienced team of specialists at a professional level.

Visit to the vet without stress

Separate waiting rooms

Relaxed at the veterinarian


With us, the relaxed visit to the vet starts from the first minute. We have two separate registration and waiting areas for dogs and cats. Therefore, the pets can have a much calmer and shorter waiting time, allowing them to enter the treatment room more serene.


Valera News

Monthly exciting news

Tips. Tricks. Treatments. Current topics. Medicine highlights.

Top News
The Valera Veterinary Clinic presents itself at Berliner Rundfunk in a short and interesting interview starring the head of the veterinary clinic Clemens von Oswald and 91.4.


Regenerative Medizin

Directions to Valera

in Berlin Zehlendorf

With customer parking

Directions by car
Via the B1 towards Zehlendorf 


Transport connections BVG
S1 Station Zehlendorf

Bus line 112 to Potsdamer Straße

Bus stops - Fürstenstraße and Mittelstraße

Walking distance approx. 3 min

Regenerative Medizin in Deutschland

Parking facilities
The free parking lot is located
at Königsstraße 19a, 14163 Berlin 

( not accessible for people with a disability )


Tierklinik in Berlin


Valera Tierklinik Berlin

Potsdamer Straße 23/24

14163 Berlin

Phone       +49 30 20 1805 750




Opening hours

in Berlin Zehlendorf


Monday - Friday 9:00 - 19:00
Saturday 10:00 - 14:00

Outside of these hours, we provide continuous emergency service. In case of emergencies, please call us in advance. Note During the emergency service there may be longer waiting times.




24h  service

Around the clock


Valera Veterinary Clinic Berlin is now open for 24-hour emergency care, providing the highest standards of care around the clock. Please call us for assistance at 030 20 1805 750. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.




Social Media


